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1. Garden Statues

While this option can range in price from relatively cheap to wildly expensive, depending on your taste in statues, it's one of the most classic and elegant garden decorating solutions out there. People have been planting statues in the landscape almost as far back as written history goes, so there's a lot of tradition behind this idea. Whether you're dropping something small and subtle, as pictured above, or something much more substantial in your garden, you'll be enjoying a fundamentally timeless decoration.

While this option can range in price from relatively cheap to wildly expensive, depending on your taste in garden statues, it’s one of the most classic and elegant garden decorating solutions out there. People have been planting statues in the landscape almost as far back as written history goes, so there’s a lot of tradition behind this idea. Whether you’re dropping something small and subtle, as pictured above, or something much more substantial in your garden, you’ll be enjoying a fundamentally timeless decoration.

2. Rock Border

The great thing about this project is that it requires a relatively low amount of work to put in for such fantastic looking results. With a great selection of stones, either purchased or gathered by hand, you can simply dig a shallow trench and fill them however you prefer. The look depends on the type of stones chosen, and can be tailored to your tastes.

The great thing about this project is that it requires a relatively low amount of work for such fantastic looking results. With a great selection of stones, either purchased or gathered by hand, you can simply dig a shallow trench and fill them however you prefer. The look depends on the type of stones chosen, and can be tailored to your tastes.

3. Stone Path

Stone paths are a classic touchstone (pun intended) of gardens everywhere. They come in all shapes and sizes, and can be anything from purely decorative to highly functional. This particular set is sunk just slightly into the lawn for a discreet look that's easy to run a mower over without trouble.

Stone paths are a classic touchstone (pun intended) of gardens everywhere. They come in all shapes and sizes, and can be anything from purely decorative to highly functional. This particular set is sunk just slightly into the lawn for a discreet look that’s easy to run a mower over without trouble.

4. Pink Garden Boxes

So, remember how we talked about these projects being seamlessly integrated into their environments? We didn't necessarily mean that they'd blend in. This idea is a testament to the power of stark contrast and, well, bright pink. It's an unexpected, bright burst of color in a neutral, natural environment and frames the garden in a really exciting way.

So, remember how we talked about these projects being seamlessly integrated into their environments? We didn’t necessarily mean that they’d blend in. This idea is a testament to the power of stark contrast and, well, bright pink. It’s an unexpected, bright burst of color in a neutral, natural environment and frames the garden in a really exciting way.

5. Raised Garden Boxes

We love garden boxes because they're not only functional, they add a fresh layer of beauty to any garden. First of all, they'll raise your plants and frame them in a handsome fashion, while keeping them protected from trampling feet and even water damage during heavy rain.

We love garden boxes because they’re not only functional, they add a fresh layer of beauty to any garden. First of all, they’ll raise your plants and frame them in a handsome fashion while keeping them protected from trampling feet and even water damage during heavy rain.

6. Circular Stone Path

So we showed you an example of stone walking paths already, but this idea is all about flaunting the stones, rather than sinking them discreetly into the lawn. The project above set the broad circular stones into a pebble garden, where they appear to float over the surface, but you could set yours onto the soil or other types of ground as well.

We showed you an example of stone walking paths already, but this idea is all about flaunting the stones rather than sinking them discreetly into the lawn. The project above set the broad circular stones into a pebble garden, where they appear to float over the surface, but you could set yours onto the soil or other types of ground as well.

7. Garden Pond

We absolutely love garden ponds, so of course we had to include one in this list of favorite backyard garden ideas! A garden pond takes a lot of hands-on work, so you'll either need time and materials or the money to pay someone to do it. But one glance at the image above shows just how completely the results justify the effort. There are a thousand ways to craft a pond in your backyard, but only you know how to best shape one.

We absolutely love garden ponds, so of course we had to include one in this list of favorite backyard garden ideas! A garden pond takes a lot of hands-on work, so you’ll either need time and materials or the money to pay someone to do it. But one glance at the image above shows just how completely the results justify the effort. There are a thousand ways to craft a pond in your backyard, but only you know how to best shape one.

8. Red Garden Bench

Sometimes bright colors and contrast are just what's needed. The best part of this particular project is that they matched the shade of the gorgeous flowers with the benches, making for a truly cohesive accent to the garden.

Sometimes bright colors and contrast are just what’s needed. The best part of this particular project is that they matched the shade of the gorgeous flowers with the benches, making for a truly cohesive accent to the garden. The leggy geraniums are a beautiful addition.

9. Patterned Color Flower Bed

A full garden is a happy garden, no? It sounds about right to us. Everyone loves seeing a garden that's absolutely flush with flowers from end to end, but taking it a step further ensures some spectacular results. Try patterning your colors, setting different plants against each other, and generally creating attractive layouts for your garden, so it looks like a single planned work of art!

A full garden is a happy garden, no? It sounds about right to us. Everyone loves seeing a garden that’s absolutely flush with flowers from end to end, but taking it a step further ensures some spectacular results. Try patterning your colors, setting different plants against each other, and generally creating attractive layouts for your garden, so it looks like a single planned work of art!

10. Colorful Adirondack Chairs

Adirondack chairs make the perfect seating complement to any garden. They're a favorite of deck dwellers and patio patrons everywhere for their comfort and unique look. Most are plain natural wood toned, so try painting one a favorite shade, matching the flowers in your garden, and see what kind of beauty erupts!

Adirondack chairs make the perfect seating complement to any garden. They’re a favorite of deck dwellers and patio patrons everywhere for their comfort and unique look. Most are plain natural wood toned, so try painting one a favorite shade, matching the flowers in your garden, and see what kind of beauty erupts!

11. Flower Draped Pergola

Pergolas are another longtime favorite yard element of ours. These structures add a dose of complexity and rigid lines to the outdoor environment, and mesh perfectly with the plants around them. Try running vines or roses up your own pergola to effectively transform it into a vertical garden.

Pergolas are another longtime favorite yard element of ours. These structures add a dose of complexity and rigid lines to the outdoor environment, and mesh perfectly with the plants around them. Try running vines or roses up your own pergola to effectively transform it into a vertical garden.